Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Post-A-Day!!! (New Hair Cut 7/6/11)

       So I realize that I'm only posting to this blog when I feel something really interesting has happened. And as it happens, it could be a good few days before something interesting happens to me, or at least something that I think is interesting. But that doesn't really capture my daily life in Taipei, and thats what I wanted to do in the first place. So from now on I would like to do a post a day, probably with a picture of the most relevant thing of that particular day. It might not be very interesting, at least not to me, but will paint a mighty picture of my over all experience when this is all said and done.
So Family, Friends and Geographers, feel free to check in each often, as there should be something new each day. And feel free to scold me if there isn't something new on that day (but be kind and keep in mind I'm a busy student, and living in a different time zone, you may just have to check back in a couple hours for the new post)
Here it goes.................

     Today I got my first haircut outside of The United States! And as it were, shaved a beard off for the first time outside of The United States! This was more difficult than I thought it would be. I still have trouble deciphering Chinese restaurant menus, so I would have had a hell of a time telling the stylist what kind of haircut I wanted. But lucky for me, my good friend Hawk came along and helped translate my average hairstyle, and now I look like a million bucks! And whats more important is my head isn't as hot in this 100* weather. (Thats also why the beard had to go)
Beardo Weirdo Brendan...

Million Bucks Brendan!!!!

Tomorrow's post.......  
Puppies on Scooter?  Chasing the Garbage Truck?  More Typhoons???

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